When You Have Too Much To Do, Slow Down

Lee Duncan
1 min readMay 15, 2022

On the TV series NCIS, the main character is a former sniper. In one episode, he said something that stuck in my mind:

Slow is smooth, smooth is fast

This is a truism that’s drilled into soldiers who train as snipers.

When the bullets are flying, it’s too easy to just point a gun in the general direction of the other side and start firing. But special forces and snipers know that bullets fired in panic generally miss. They are trained to do things very differently. They take the time to aim and shoot, instead.

This means they keep their cool, select their targets and come out on top.

When you’re under pressure, remember that slow is smooth and smooth is fast

I’m not a soldier, but this idea makes perfect sense, so it has stuck with me.

When you have a lot to get done, it can cause you to become tense. You’re less productive when you’re tense and it’s unlikely you’ll easily get into your full stride.

So slow down.

Make a list of what you need to get done. Take a breath and pick the first target. Focus and get it done. Rinse and repeat and you’ll work with ruthless efficiency instead of bouncing around in a panic.

Smooth is fast.

Read this post and more on my Typeshare Social Blog

