The #1 Reason 98% of Businesses Fail To Grow

Lee Duncan
1 min readMay 18, 2022

I have been coaching businesses for almost 20 years and I co-founded a business in 2012 that now sells over £12m per year.

Over these years, I have learned that most people who want to massively grow their business end up failing because they lack commitment. They think it’s going to be easy and get very excited at the start. Then when things become challenging, the enthusiasm fades. It’s at this point you need the commitment to keep you steady and on target.

To be quite honest, it took me quite a while to learn this lesson too.

Being honest with yourself in order to understand and overcome the reasons for failure is an essential step towards succeeding. My commitment to writing an atomic essay every day for 30 days is a part of that.

COmmitment is an easy word to say, but it means non-negotiable. It means landing on a strange shore and burning your ship. To stay true to your word, when the going gets tough.

Commit, and you just might succeed where so many others fail.

Read this post and more on my Typeshare Social Blog

