How I Formed A Good Habit, And How I’ll Make It A Great One…

Lee Duncan
2 min readMay 22, 2022

Since writing my book back in 2011, I have struggled terribly with writer’s block, finding writing terribly difficult, stressful and unfulfilling.

Lots of false starts. Lots of second-guessing myself. Lots of procrastination. Which is a great pity, because in the past 10 years I’ve created a lot of new IP that I’ve used with clients to great effect. I want to turn this IP into courses and guides. It needs to be shared. And sharing means writing it down.

I have a strong desire to write.

So in mid-April I invested in the Ship 30 for 30 course to develop a daily writing habit with the objective of writing and publicly sharing a short essay every day. The structure, the cohort approach and the support have worked incredibly well to get me writing again, and enjoying the writing, too. I’ve written every day except one since then.

But my writing habit is not ideal.

This is typical of turning a skill into a productive habit. There is the commitment first to establish the habit. Then your approach needs to be tuned to make it work the way you really want.

Over the next month, I’ll move my writing habit to first thing in the morning. I’ll be writing to a content plan. And I’ll be writing a few days in advance, so that I have the chance to edit and polish, just a little.

So, if you find yourself struggling with a new habit like I have, just remember:

Getting a good habit going is more important than making the habit perfect every time.

Feel good about it.

And then look for ways to take it even further.

Learn more about my work coaching small businesses to achieve hypergrowth at

